Price is what you pay, and value is what you get. A low price is often enticing, but keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Value and price are linked in the logistics industry so be careful of what you are asking a freight forwarder or carrier for.
When you request a rate quote, you should ask for all-inclusive rates and check if there are any local charges at origin or destination that are not included in the rate quotes received. If you try to save money on shipping rates and are considering incredibly low price offers, here is what you need to do before considering a provider:
Once you find a freight forwarder that passes all of the above checks and meets your criteria, you will usually find that this specialist doesn’t offer incredibly low rates and might, in fact, be on the opposite end of the pricing scale. Accept that that might happen and that finding a freight forwarder is not just about who has the lowest rates.
Remember, don’t view your freight forwarder “just as a third-party provider.” View them as an extension of your office and you’ll probably want to change your focus and start looking for a reliable quality provider. After all, you wouldn’t want your business partner to be “cheap.” Instead, you would want your business partner to help you grow your business.